Latin name | Common english name | Common french name | Part of plant | Origin | Local | FFL |
ABIES ALBA | Silver fir | Sapin blanc | Bud | France | LOCAL | FFL |
ACER CAMPESTRIS | Hedge maple | Erable champêtre | Bud | France | LOCAL | FFL |
AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM | Horse chestnut | Marronnier d'Inde | Bud | France | LOCAL | FFL |
ALNUS GLUTINOSA | Black alder | Aulne glutineux | Bud | France | LOCAL | FFL |
AMPELOPSIS VEITCHII | Virginia creeper | Vigne vierge | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
BETULA ALBA SYN. PUBESCENT | White birch | Bouleau blanc pubescent | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
BETULA PENDULA | Birch | Bouleau verruqueux | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
CALLUNA VULGARIS | Heather | Bruyère | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
CARPINUS BETULUS | Hornbeam | Charme | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
CASTANEA SATIVA | Sweet chestnut | Châtaigner | Bud | France | LOCAL | FFL |
CEDRUS LIBANI | Cedar of Lebanon | Cèdre du Liban | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
CORYLUS AVELLANA | Hazel | Noisetier | Bud | France | LOCAL | FFL |
CRATAEGUS LAEVIGATA | Hawthorn | Aubépine | Bud | France | LOCAL | FFL |
ELAEGNUS RHAMNOIDES | Sea Buckthorn | Argousier | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
FAGUS SYLVATICA | European beech | Hêtre | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
FICUS CARICA | Fig tree | Figuier | Bud | France | LOCAL | FFL |
FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR | Ash | Frêne | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
GINKGO BILOBA | Ginkgo | Ginkgo | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
ILEX AQUIFOLIUM | Holly | Houx | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
JUGLANS REGIA | Walnut | Noyer | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS | Juniper | Genévrier | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
OLEA EUROPEA | Olive tree | Olivier | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
PINUS MUGO | Pine | Pin des montagnes | Bud | France | LOCAL | FFL |
PINUS SYLVESTRIS | Pine | Pin sylvestre | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
POPULUS NIGRA | Black poplar | Peuplier noir | Bud | France | LOCAL | FFL |
PRUNUS AMYGDALUS | Almond tree | Amandier | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
QUERCUS PETRAEA | Sessile oak | Chêne rouvre | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
QUERCUS PEDUNCULATA SYN. ROBUR | Oak | Chêne pédonculé | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
RIBES NIGRUM | Black currant | Cassis | Bud | France | LOCAL | FFL |
ROSA CANINA | Dog rose bush | Eglantier | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS | Rosemary | Romarin | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | FFL |
RUBUS FRUCTICOSUS | Blackberry | Ronce | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
RUBUS IDAEUS | Raspberry | Framboisier | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
SALIX ALBA | Willow | Saule | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | FFL |
SECALA CEREALE | Cereal rye | Seigle | Root | France | LOCAL | |
SEQUOIA GIGANTEA | Mammoth tree | Séquoia | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
SORBUS DOMESTICA | Beam tree | Sorbier domestique | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
SORBUS AUCUPARIA | Moutain ash | Sorbier des Oiseleurs | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
TILIA EUROPAEA | Lime tree | Tilleul | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
TILIA PLATYPHYLLOS | Big leaf lime tree | Tilleul à grande feuille | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
TILIA TOMENTOSA | Silver lime | Tilleul argenté | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
ULMUS GLABRA | Ulmus minor | Orme | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
VACCINIUM MYRTILLUS | Blueberry | Myrtille | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
VACCINIUM VITIS IDAEA | Ligonberry | Airelle rouge | Young shoot | France | LOCAL | |
VIBURNUM LANTANA | Wayfaring tree | Viorne | Bud | France | LOCAL | |
VITIS VINIFERA | Vine | Vigne | Bud | France | LOCAL |
Origins may vary according to quantities required or seasonal needs.
Local = less than 200 km from NATEVA
FFL = Fair for Life certification by Ecocert
This list Is not exhaustive. Our commercial team remains at your service for any request